We create and produce original works
emphasizing high-quality content
We provide a one stop animation services for all of your creative endeavors. From a full length feature film, television series, products, commercials, company profiles and other creative contents.
Latest Works
Si Juki the Movie - Panitia Hari Akhir
This 2D animated feature film is Kumata’s first major motion picture production in collaboration with Falcon Pictures. We were involved all through the production process that took 15 months from the script stages all the way to the post editing process.
J-town Series
An animated family comedy which we produced in collaboration with NET TV targeted for local audiences. The production of one season of the show consisting 24 episodes took close to a year from script development, animation production, to compositing.
Gila Lu Ndro!
Kumata's first motion comic project is a 2 minute animated prolog for the live action movie "Gile Lu Ndro" produced by Falcon Pictures.
Generasi Micin Vs Kevin
Kumata produced the background illustration, animation works and video editing for the 2 minute animated prolog for this live action movie entitled "Kevin Generasi Micin".
Stories Told by Dharma Master Cheng Yen
A Co-production between Kumata Studio and DAAI TV produced a 5-6 minutes per episode animated serial inspired from the stories of Master Cheng Yen, the founder of the Buddha Tzu Chi Foundation.
Our Services
2D Animation Production

Story & Script Development

Visual Concept Development

From the Storyboard to Animatic

2D Character Rigging & Asset Creation

Music & Sound Development

Voice Talent Casting/Directing/Recording

Other Services

Latest News
Genap Berusia 15 tahun, Yuk Intip Kilas Balik Kumata Studio
Tanggal 9 September tahun ini Kumata Studio genap berusia 15 tahun. Dalam perjalanannya sampai sekarang Kumata tentunya memiliki banyak cerita dan lika-liku. Mari kita simak kisah singkat di balik berdirinya Kumata Studio yang dipaparkan oleh ketiga founder-nya. -
Kumata Studio kembali garap Si Juki the Movie
Kumata Studio kembali dipercaya oleh Falcon Pictures untuk menggarap film animasi mereka, Si Juki the Movie: Harta Pulau Monyet. Film yang merupakan sekuel dari Si Juki the Movie ini akan dirilis pada tahun 2020. -
Si Juki The Movie Produksi Kumata Menangkan Piala Citra FFI 2018
Karya animasi produksi Kumata Studio yaitu Si Juki The Movie berhasil memenangkan kategori ‘Film Animasi Terbaik’ dalam Penghargaan Piala Citra FFI 2018. -
Galli Leo Lei Tampil Sebagai Pemenang ATF Animation Pitch 2018
Project animasi Galli Leo Lei kembali meraih prestasi dalam salah satu program Asian TV Forum. Seusai Live Pitch pada 6 Desember 2018 lalu, karya animasi ini tampil sebagai Winner ATF Animation Picth 2018.